martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Halloween Costumes Idea

Hello villagers, this is my new blog about Animal Crossing New Leaf, so i welcome you :D

Now with summer coming to an end it means bye bye to fireworks, i know sad news ;^;, but it also means that Halloween is coming soon which meanss ta ta ta taaaaan Costumes! coughandcandiescough, but yeah if you are having a hard time thinking about what to dress as on this coming halloween season i will leave you some awesome anime costumes suggestions for this holiday ;3

Wanna be a princess but something different than the normal cliche princesses coughdisneycough, then here is what you need


Now to Princess-ish for you? Then about a lil more of a normal teenagge but with an awesome Keyblade coughcanyouguessXDcough

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Want to be a mix up between a prince and a hero? Then this is your costume :3


Want to go classic on this season then you can't go wrong with vampires here is a good one for that :p

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