miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Animal Crossing New Leaf: How to get a perfect town

Want a perfect town but don't know what to do?
Well i will tell you how i got a perfect town, this method is pretty easy and affordable.

First thing first, which is the first advice that Isabelle and villagers give? Flowers~, Yep, flowers, lots and lots of them if possible plant then even on your villagers! Okay now you must be saying (i can only buy 2 flowers seeds per day so it would take me way too long to be able to get a full town coughvillagerscough with flower.

Well lucky you i figure out a way to get unlimited flowers, is pretty easy, first you need to unlock the island after you do that you need to:

1. Empty your inventory.
2. Go to the island.
3. Try the Easy Bug Hunting Tour
4. Focus on getting your inventory full of flowers.
5. After your inventory is full of flowers catch bugs with the remaining time usually it takes me 1-2 minutes to get my inv. full of flowers, which leave 3 minutes to catch as many bugs as you want (is not requiered but hey some medals aren't bad and killing two birds with one stone is pretty sweet!)

6. Put all flowers into the basket and redo until the basket is full of flowers.
7. Go back to your town and plant all your new flowers were ever you want.

You can do this as many times as you want, this helps a lot for getting the perfect town.

Also try to keep all the weeps out, every day there will be 2-3 weeds randomly in town (like fossils) if you don't have the beautiful town ordinance, if you do have the beautiful town ordinance, it is pretty rare for weeds to appear, they normally appear once every month in my town and only 1 of them.

Never leave your items scatter aroud your town! It count as "garbage" for the game, also never leave fruits besides the trees on the floor it counts as "garbage" as well.

Keep playing every day for 7 days.

With all this you are probably going to get the Perfect Town in two weeks.

Hope it was useful :D

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